
A Decentralized Exchange by Bozkurt Token

BozziSwap is a native, easy-to-use, reliable, fully secure and low fee Decentralized Exchange built on Binance Smart Chain.

Main Features

BozziSwap's main features consist of the following three strengths.

Features 01

Fast, reliable and inexpensive. With Binance Smart Chain, we continue to run and develop the world's most ideal ecosystem.

BSC, run by Binance, continues to offer the best for everyone. We will continue to use the best.

Features 02
Decentralized Gaming

Fair, open source and auditable. Play against smart contracts, now you will only need luck.

Features 03
Solid Liquidity

We believe in Bozkurt. We create all our liquidity pools with Bozkurt and ensure supply security.


BozziSwap's milestones and vision for the future

Jobs & Collaborations

We're looking for talented developers, designers and crypto marketing geniuses.

Contact with us via email.